R. was recognized guilty of committing a crime and convicted to 9 years of imprisonment pursuant to Art. 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The convicted had already served his sentence for over 6 years, when he turned to our lawyer seeking help. The lawyer filed a supervisory appeal to the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation requesting to review the sentence due to mitigating circumstances that were not taken into account previously.

As a result, the sentence against R. was reduced to 6 years 7 months. Upon dealing with all the required formalities R. was discharged from the prison colony.

Remission of the sentence by 2.5 years: страница 1 из 6
Remission of the sentence by 2.5 years: страница 2 из 6
Remission of the sentence by 2.5 years: страница 3 из 6
Remission of the sentence by 2.5 years: страница 4 из 6
Remission of the sentence by 2.5 years: страница 5 из 6
Remission of the sentence by 2.5 years: страница 6 из 6